Monday, 25 November 2013

Tipsy/trifle Pudding!

Sponge cake ( you can use Britannia cake from the market) - 1 packet
Milk - 2 cups
Marie biscuits - 1 packet
Toasted cashew nuts cut into small pieces - 1/2 cup
Assorted seasonal fruits cut into small pieces (Mango, banana, apple, tinned pineapple, grapes, peaches, pear, tooty-fruity, cherries) - 2 cups
Custard powder - 4-5 tbsp
Sugar - 1/2 cup (to taste) 
Chilled Amul cream (whipped lightly with icing sugar and vanilla essence) 200 gm
Chocolate sauce (Hersheys/nutella or make some with cream, cooking chocolate and milk) 2 cups


Layer 1
Place the cake pieces in your bowl forming first layer for tipsy pudding. Sprinkle some milk over the cake in order to make it moist. 

Layer 2 
Place the biscuits on top of the cake layer one by one. Sprinkle some milk over them too. 

Layer 3
Make some thick custard with milk sugar and custard powder (make sure you prepare this 2-3 hours before assembling the pudding in order to cool it down).

Layer 4
Place the nuts and assorted fruits over the custard layer.

Layer 5
Cover the fruits and cashew nuts with chocolate sauce.

Layer 6
Top it all with a thin layer of whipped amul cream (make sure you prepare this also beforehand and keep it for chilling in the fridge for sometime). Decorate with some tooty-fruity or cherries or some grated chocolate

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